Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management of a Team for Flavored Milk - myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theManagement of a Team for Flavored Milk. Answer: Introduction The firm taken into consideration produces dairy products. The plant where the production of the dairy products takes place has been upgraded recently to support the growing demands. A wide range of dairy products are produced such as cream, yoghurt, butter, types of milk as skim, powdered, evaporated or flavored milk. A team has been formed and the members of this team have been assigned respective roles for the production program goes on without any problem. The following team members are the manager, the team leader, the production head and the operational manager. There is interdependence within the team. The team leaders perform their respective tasks by guiding the employees. The business manager reflects upon the stimulation round and comments on the decisions that the team has made. Discussion The team members have specific tasks according to the roles they have been assigned. According to their role, the team members have responsibilities to perform so that there is enough production to meet the growing demands of the products. The four-team members have certain responsibilities, which have been discussed below: The Manager The manager is the most important member of this team. The project manager is the person who has the responsibility for the successful initiation of this project. The manager plans, designs, executes, monitors, controls the project (Kerzner, 2013). The manager of this company looks into the production of the diary products by the plant that has undergone changes to support the growing demands. The manger recognises the risks that may have an impact on the production and distribution of the products. These risks arise from uncertainty and focus on it is the primary concern of the manager. The manager makes decisions, which are both large and small. The manager should communicate with the other members of the team and the employees so that there is smooth production at the plant (Kim, Kumar Kumar, 2012). The manager organises his task through project management. He produces reports and charts and guides the other team members. The manager should have the ability of monitoring and repo rting about the progress at the plant regarding the production and distribution of the diary products. The manager has to have a strategic planning to allocate the resources and use control mechanisms to guide the implementation of strategy at the production plant (Bryson, 2012). The market segmentation of the diary products is among the wholesaler, families, distributors, dairy VAP and the health centres. The manager decides this market segmentation of the dairy products. The Team Leader The Team leader is the second most important member of the team. The team leader is the person who leads the team and guides it about how to progress (Schoemaker, Krupp Howland, 2013). The team leader just like the manger develops a strategy for the team to reach the goal that has been set by the manager. He provides training and full understanding to the team members providing them with clear instructions. The team leader is aware about the production capacity, the target group and the research and development of the products (Northouse, 2015). He monitors the team members participation to ensure they work accordingly. He also manages the flow of day-to-day operations. The team leader creates reports about the progress of the team and keeps the manager updated. The reports are to be distributed by the team leader to the team members so that they have an idea about the production. The Production Head The production manager is responsible for technical management, supervision and is in control of the production processes. He plans and organizes the schedule for quarterly production of the milk products and the desserts range .The production head may build a cost leader strategy. The cost leadership strategy is used to enable the lowest cost of operation in the industry. There has to be a substantial reduction in the cost of the products so that the products have a high market value in the market than its competitors (Martinelli Milosevic, 2016). The production head oversees the production process at the plant. He is in charge of the selection, ordering and purchasing of the materials required for production. The production head should have communication with each of the team members and keep the manager and the team leader informed about the production report. He is also in charge of the marketing and sales. The Operational Manager The operational manager has a broad role to perform. He monitors and analyses the present system of the production and works out a strategy to improve it if it is necessary. The operational manager plays a vital role in the company (Dozier, Grunig Grunig, 2013). He plans and controls the changes and makes research and development regarding the dairy products (Hill Hill, 2012). The operational manager also looks after the promotion of the products. The promotion of the dairy products is by advertising mainly. It is either through small advertising campaigns, moderate advertising campaigns or major advertising campaigns. The operational manager also looks after the production capacity of the plant 1, lite milk and chocolate flavor milk. The advertising is mainly for the family, infant, health, organic, dairy, wholesalers and distributors. He oversees the inventory, the distribution of the goods and the layout facilities. Conclusion Thereby, the following report discusses and explains the role and the responsibilities of the team members. Each of the team members perform their responsibilities and the tasks assigned to them. The production and the operational managers look after the production by plant 1 of full cream milk, lite milk, chocolate flavor milk and the desserts range. The cost of the products is kept in mind by the production head so that the value of the products is at par with the products of the competitors in the target market. The manager keeps overall information of the other team members duties and success of the project. References Bryson, J. M. (2012). Strategic Planning and.The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration, 50. Dozier, D. M., Grunig, L. A., Grunig, J. E. (2013).Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Hill, A., Hill, T. (2012).Operations management. Palgrave Macmillan. Kerzner, H. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Kim, D. Y., Kumar, V., Kumar, U. (2012). Relationship between quality management practices and innovation.Journal of operations management,30(4), 295-315. Martinelli, R. J., Milosevic, D. Z. (2016).Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practicing project manager. John Wiley Sons. Northouse, P. G. (2015).Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Schoemaker, P. J., Krupp, S., Howland, S. (2013). Strategic leadership: The essential skills.Harvard business review,91(1), 131-134.

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