Sunday, February 9, 2020

Young Offenders and Youth Justice Research Paper

Young Offenders and Youth Justice - Research Paper Example There has been a concern of how the society views and deals with young people. Some people believe that juvenile engage in antisocial behaviors because of lack of good rearing by the parents, while others believe that the whole society has failed to instill morals to its young people. However, studies have documented that due to increase in poverty and technology, young people are involved in different crimes (Barnickol 430). Conversely, studies have also documented that culture dictates the parenting style, which in turn has a lot to do with the child’s development. In light with his, it has been argued that bad parenting style has effects on the behavior of a child. Although measures exist, it is apparent that they have not elucidated on how best strategies they use can comprehensively address the problem. What is currently evident is that these measures lessen the situation with little empirical approach being adopted in order to address the causes of anti-social behavior a mong young people (Hancock 142). In this regard, more emphasis has been on the correctional perspective, but this problem requires a comprehensive approach, which incorporates both correctional and preventive approaches. With such deliberations, the current research would be of help in utilizing theoretical frameworks in order to ascertain the best approaches to use in order to both correct and mitigate causes of anti-social behavior among young people. ... Another major concern involves poor parenting. It is believed that poor parenting can slowly develop a culture of unruly behavior. Parents who use permissive parenting style tend to unknowingly encourage their children to engage in unruly behaviors (Harr 64). However, some studies have noted that when parents are unable to provide basic necessities to their children, they have little control over their lives. To some parents, they become too busy to have quality time with their children. This way, children tend to imitate other people without any control of their actions (Gottfredson 94). In fact, when this continues and they realize their parents cannot control their lives, most of them indulge in drugs – something that highly contributes to delinquent behavior. An Introduction of Key Research Questions In regard to the above-mentioned issues, it is apparent that there is a need to have the issue of anti-social behaviors among young people addressed comprehensively (Gaines 28 ). The current research aims at presenting theoretical and comparative measures to not only reform the already existing youth justice system but also to provide a framework that can help reduce and prevent cases of anti-social behaviors among young people. In this scope, the hypothesis of the research argues that if community based programs that deal with child rearing can be introduced, the rate of juvenile anti-social behaviors can be reduced (Hodge 103). In this regard, the research aims to find solutions to the following questions, which will give an overview of causes of anti-social behavior among young people. 1. What causes of anti-social behavior among young people. 2. How effective are the programs designed to

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