Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Earth Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Earth Sciences - Essay Example Thus, careful study of the accurate cardinal orientation of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, and the Venus alignment of the Maya Palace of the Governor at Uxmal in Yucatan can reveal to what extent associated ancient cultures were advanced in their knowledge of astronomy and possibly provide scope for amazement at such achievements of monumental precision ((The Center for Archaeoastronomy, 2002). Stonehenge (Figures 4 & 5) has special significance to archaeoastronomy. It is certainly not the largest ancient stone circle in the world but it is certainly the only one with lintels on the upright stones (English Heritage Website, FAQs on Stonehenge). "Stonehenge, the word, is believed to have originated from the Anglo-Saxon period, from the old English word "henge' meaning 'hanging' or 'gibbet'. Thus, Stonehenge literally means the 'hanging stones' and may have been derived from the lintels that seem to hang above the uprights (English Heritage, Historical Background, Stonehenge, 2006). Today 'henge' has a special significance in archaeology meaning a circular construction of either stone or timber (English Heritage, Historical Background, Stonehenge, 2006). The discoveries at Stonehenge in the 60s have made the interdisciplinary fields of archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy (the study of contemporary native astronomies) active fields wherefrom scholars derive knowledge of our species' continuous interaction with the cosmos (The Center for Archaeoastronomy, 2002). The report seeks to find clearly why Stonehenge was built, when it was built and by whom. It shall explore available literature with research findings in recent years to attempt to do so. 2 Stonehenge - The English Heritage Monument: 2.1 Introduction: English Heritage and the National Trust look after Stonehenge jointly. Though curious visitors have been coming to the ancient site to gawk at the monumental constructions for over 5000 years it has only recently in 1986 been declared a World Heritage Site (English Heritage, Historical Background, 2006). Researchers from the English Heritage Scientific Dating Service used a variety of dating techniques to assess dates when the monument was built. The researchers assert that Stonehenge was built in three phases - the oldest construction was the Mesolithic activity in the present car park attached to the site. It must be noted here that the team

Monday, October 28, 2019

Biology What Are Your Career Goals and How Do Your Immediate Educational Plans Fit Into Them Essay Example for Free

Biology What Are Your Career Goals and How Do Your Immediate Educational Plans Fit Into Them Essay Biomedical Science Biomedical Science is the application of biology based science for medical use. It will allow you to learn the human body at the whole body, organ, tissue, cell and sub cellular level. You will also learn how these systems can go wrong in various diseases and how accurate diagnosis can be made using a variety of laboratory tests. Biomedical Science is a continually changing, dynamic profession with long-term career prospect including research, management and education. Biomedical Scientist Biomedical Scientist learns scientific and personal skills and gain qualification that can be transferred all over the world and can be recognised globally. BTEC HND Biomedical Science graduates may apply for the associate membership of the Institute of Biomedical Science in the UK after obtaining 5 years of relevant work experience. Careers Hospital laboratory biomedical scientist Industrial laboratory bio-scientist Bio-science research Medicine or Dentistry (after acceptance in medical school and further training) Science teaching Transfer Opportunities Students, who successfully complete HND in Biomedical Science, can transfer to Northumbria University Biomedical Science Degree which is accredited by the Institute for Biomedical Sciences (IBMS). It provides the education and training required to become a Registered Biomedical Scientist. awarded by BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) BTEC HND in Biomedical Science is a 16 unit higher level qualification which is awarded by Edexcel UK. Programme Structure Unit 01 Unit 02 Unit 03 Unit 04 Unit 05 Unit 06 Unit 07 Unit 08 Cell Biology Biochemistry Human Physiology Laboratory Techniques Medical Microbiology Project Analysis of Scientific Information and Data Quality Assurance Quality Control Unit 09 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Histology and Haematology [continues]

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Vs. Gasoline Essays -- Energy Power Global Warming

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Vs. Gasoline: Who’s Down With HFC? ABSTRACT: The world’s oil supply is a diminishing nonrenewable resource. Soon, a new fuel for automobiles will be needed. Hydrogen fuel cells may very well become the chief replacement for gasoline in our society. INTRODUCTION: In our busy world today, we often find ourselves surrounded by vehicles. But how often do we ponder about by which means these vehicles are running? Vehicles are fueled by gasoline, a gradually diminishing resource. As a replacement for this fuel, scientists have been experimenting with a new technology called hydrogen fuel cells. Swiss scientist Christian Friedrich Schà ¶nbein developed the principle behind the fuel cell in 1838. Then in 1932, the first successful fuel cells were engineered by Francis Thomas Bacon of Britain. The main type of hydrogen fuel cell is the Polymer Electrolyte Membrane, or Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM). In a PEM, electrons are separated from hydrogen atoms (at the anode), forming positively charged hydrogen atoms, or protons, and single electrons. Then the protons are drawn toward the oxygen atoms (at the cathode) on the other side of the membrane, where the electrons are forced to travel an alternate route to reach the hydrogen and oxygen. By traveling this alternate route, the electrons form a current, ergo energy. Once the protons and electrons meet with the oxygen, the byproducts created are water, heat, and some impurities (depending on the purity of the applied hydrogen). See Diagram 1 below (How PEM Fuel Cells Work). HFC 2 Which fuel supply is more efficient: hydrogen fuel cells or gasoline? To help reach a verdict, we will be comparing their availability, cost and efficiency, and pollution pot... ...en Fuel: a Clean and Secure Energy Future, The White House, Retrieved August 2, 2005, from 2. Fuel Cell, July 31, 2005, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, Retrieved August 2, 2005, from 3. How PEM Fuel Cells Work, Retrieved July 21, 2005, from 4. Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program, U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Retrieved July 21, 2005, from 5. Hydrogen Production and Delivery, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Retrieved July 21, 2005, from 6. Tokyo Gas, Retrieved August 2, 2005, from http://www.tokyogas.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Understanding Native Americans in the Film, Dances with Wolves Essays

Understanding Native Americans in the Film, Dances with Wolves To dance with someone is to become one with him. When you dance, you lay selves aside and you try to move as one person. Every step flows cautiously into the next. You never want to step on the toes of the other person and with your hands you guide each other in various directions, but always together. The dance is a journey; one that brings two often very different people together. For that brief time that the two are dancing they act as one person, laying all differences aside. The film, Dances with wolves, accomplishes this feat. For one hundred and eighty-one minutes it allows us to get caught up in the dance of the white man and the Indians. Dances with wolves, disregards cultural barriers and only focuses on people for who they are as individuals. At the beginning of any dance, people are cautious. They must first "feel-out" the other person. They must get a sense of who the other person is, and what is meaningful to them. In the film, Dances with Wolves," John Dunbar approaches the Indians with this same apprehension. He is a white America who is alone on the frontier. He may be scared of the supposed "savages," but he never lets on. The stereotypical Indian is a brutal savage-like beast who kills for the sake of killing and ravages the countryside. In the first scene of the movie, this is the image that I received. It seemed hard to imagine any sense of brotherhood that could be found in the hearts of the Indians as we watched them scalp an innocent American named Timmons. My initial reactions, however, were disregarded as I continued to watch. I observed the first confrontation between Dunbar and the Indians. It was an encounter much like th... ...ried to a terrorist with a scientifically gifted sneaky child. What I want to say, and I ask you to take this back: We must look at racism as a disease. It is a cancer. It is very good and noble that the President has started this initiative. But you cannot put a band-aid on to treat cancer." Throughout the film and through the powerful testimonies mentioned above we realize the need for us to put stereotypes aside and truly desire to understand the Native American culture. It is only after we have "danced with them" that we can truly know them. Works Cited Dances with Wolves. Dir.Kevin Costner. Perf. Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell, Graham Greene, and Rodney A. Grant. 1990. videocassette. American Indian Studies. PBS News Forum. March 1998. june98/denver   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Holden’s Trust Issues

Throughout the book Holder shows multiple signs of people trying to help him, but he ultimately pushes them away. I believe that this stems from his original problem when he lost both of his brothers. He trusted that his family would stay and protect him, but when Allele died and D. B. â€Å"sold out,† his parents sent him away. So to Holder, the word trust means betrayal. When Allele passed away, Holder thought that Allele had left him.He knew in his mind that Allele did not die on purpose but Holder could not decide who else to blame. He â€Å"broke all the windows in the garage†¦ Even tried to break all the windows on the station wagon†¦ But [his] hand was already broken. † (Slinger 39) And to literally add insult to injury, the fact that he could no longer put his hand into a fist constantly reminded him of Allies departure. According to Holder, It had not been long after Allies death when D. B. Left. When D. B. Left, to Holder, that was the ultimate betra yal. At the time of the narrative, D.B. Lived â€Å"out in Hollywood†¦ Being a prostitute† (2). The one word Holder used the most was probably phony. When his brother sold himself out, Holder probably became furious for leaving and called him a phony. Holder's bitterness towards â€Å"phoniness† probably came from the betrayal he received from his brother. But this still did not anger him as much as the betrayal he received from their parents. Holder believes that his parents hate him because they keep shipping him to different schools after he continues to get kicked out of them.He thinks that they are disappointed and ashamed of him. At the beginning of the story, he predicted that they will be â€Å"pretty irritated about [getting kicked out again]†¦ [since] this is the fourth school [he's] gotten kicked out of† (9). He thinks that his parents have given up on him and Just keep sending him to different schools to keep him out of trouble. Due to his emotional trauma, Holder cannot trust anyone anymore. He tries to make friends with a lot of people throughout the book, but something always came p that would not allow him to.This probably came from his belief that he will be betrayed and humiliated if he got to close. So he tried to be friends, but his subconscious made excuses to push these people away. He begins realizes this at the end of the book when he begins to leave New York, but his sister, Phoebe, tries to go with him. He realizes that him pushing his sister away is Just what his family did to him, and he does not want to scar his sister as well, so he decides to stay. Holder's Trust Issues By administer

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Circuit Breaker Abstract Essays - Electrical Wiring, Free Essays

Circuit Breaker Abstract Essays - Electrical Wiring, Free Essays Circuit Breaker Abstract A circuit breaker was examined to determine how it works. Basically, it is designed to disconnect the current if the current passing through the breaker is higher than the allowable current. Its main parts consist of a switch, connecting pads, and the disconnect device. Since the breaker consists of many individual parts, the only improvement found was to combine some of the parts into a single part. Introduction Our group dissected a thirty-amp household Circuit-breaker. Its purpose is to protect electrical appliances from being damaged though excessive currents. A circuit breaker limits the amount of current that may safely enter a household electrical system via a predetermined amperage rating. It is placed in series between your house and the provided electricity. Any current in excess of the rated current amount will trip the circuit breaker in to a non-conducting or open path condition. The closed path is maintained until either magnetism or thermal expansion causes the circuit to trip. Device Description The circuit breaker has several features that are worth noting in the design discussion. First is its ability to detect various types of loading situations. The breaker can not only open a circuit in response to a current spike, but can also react to a sustained moderate current draw, just above its rated current. The circuit breaker also has an easily resetable 3-position switch, and various internal safety features such as spark arrestors and cavity vents. Operation of the circuit breaker is simple, but utilizes complex mechanisms. Essentially there are to main internal mechanisms; the trigger and the switch. The trigger is the device that senses the abnormal current load. A sharp spike in current will cause a magnetic field to form in the trigger, releasing the switch. A slightly elevated, but more constant current draw through the breaker will cause the bi-metal composition of the trigger mechanism to deflect in an arc like manner, which is also capable of releasing the switch. This reaction may take a longer amount of time to open the circuit, but is designed to provide the user with a short time of extended current draw through the circuit before the breaker opens. The switch, which is activated internally by the trigger or externally by the user, simply opens or closes a set of contacts which complete the circuit. The switch can be set to open or closed from the outside of the breaker's case, but can only be set to the tripped position internally, as a results of the trigger mechanism. Once the breaker has been tripped internally, it must be reset externally by switching it off, and then back on. The features enable the breaker to do several jobs at once, eliminating the need for multiple elements in the circuit. For example, it provides the user with an easily assessable on/off switch, fault protection against current spike, and fault protection against heavy current draw. The design of the trigger mechanism allows one internal part to the job of two, as does the switch, which by design can be shut off either internally or externally. Some problems that come to light with these features include a limited service life and expensive manufacturing. Limited service life is a function of build quality. Many internal parts move without precise surface preparation or lubrication, indicating that repetitive motion could wear out the assemblies. Several internal springs may also wear out over time. And, because there are may small parts that fit integrally with each other, manufacturing costs may be inflated. Discussion It has been discussed that the circuit breaker has many good design points, such as double fault protection, a manually switchable mode, and built in safety features to prevent spark ignition and meltdown. And it seems that there aren't many undesirable features of the unit, possibly with the exception of cost. Because of the complexity of the inner workings, manufacturability is more difficult, thus raising costs. A small inspection was done to determine if any parts could be eliminated or combined to reduce the build cost, but no immediate solutions were identified. It appears that all attempts to improve or simplify the device have been implemented and maximized, leaving the only avenue for complexity reduction to be a change in application for the part. Conclusion A common household thirty amp circuit breaker was dissected in lab this week. It consisted of hard plastic, moving metal parts, and two springs (Figure 1). The circuit is placed in series between an electrical power source such as Georgia Power and the fuse box or beginning of a home's electrical system. The circuit breaker operates via two mechanisms. The circuit is

Monday, October 21, 2019

Electoral College Essays - Electoral College, Free Essays

Electoral College Essays - Electoral College, Free Essays Electoral College The Electoral CollegeToday Why is it that in the United States the words politics and politician has associations that are uncharacteristically negative for our countrys leaders? Today, Americas politicians have turned into greedy executives. The mix of politics and business is driving our country away from the principles that our founding fathers set fourth. Why is our forty-third president in office when the majority of Americans voted for a different candidate? An election that gives the people the choice without regard to state lines of a president by a majority would cure some of the current problems of the Electoral College. We have a president that bullied his way into office and now many Americans question the government. Where did the Electoral College go wrong? The popularity vote seems to not play any factor in our presidential election. A major conflict concerning the Electoral College lingers in America. The Constitutional Convention created the Electoral College in 1789 in hopes that it would be an adequate system (MacBride 29). The Electoral College consists of senators and representatives who cast their votes for the state they represent. Those who feel that the college should remain as it is believe that the American people are too uninformed about election issues to vote. The argument for the modification of the college maintains that the people are not actually electing the president, but the larger states are. Ultimately, the majority of the United States citizens support the elimination of an Electoral College that serves no purpose in the government. The argument in favor of the continuation of the Electoral College holds that it represents an effective institution. First, the format of the college demonstrates its validity. The amount of electoral votes awarded to each state, extremely critical in elections, remains decided by the number of senators and representatives in Congress (Polsby 45). Many politicians find the existing system extremely efficient because they feel the electors represent their constituents (Best 52). In addition, the Electoral Colleges ability to efficiently serve its purpose provides a reason for its long existence. An electoral system should produce a definite, accepted winner and avoid prolonged contests and disputes that create uncertainty and public turmoil (Best 210). Moreover, never in the history of the Electoral College has a controversy developed in which the college rejected an individual who had an undisputed majority of the popular vote (Best 52). Most importantly, those who agree with preserving the Electoral College believe that election by popular vote, the alternative to the college, would create numerous deficiencies in the system. Election by direct popular vote would be hazardous to the nations health, said a concerned citizen (Weisberger 24). Liable to deceptions of the truth and too uniformed of the candidates, the people, voting directly, pose a threat to the system of electing presidents (Weisberger 24). Many people feel that the popular election of presidents would work a diminution of the political power of racial and other minority groups in the nations urban centers (Bickel 13). On the other hand, the position in favor of ridding the nation of the Electoral College argues that the college serves no purpose. First of all, the present format of the Electoral College manifests the colleges insufficient qualities. The current format of the college, giving the edge to the larger states, exhibits the inadequacies of it (Polsby 32). The electoral college system, it is claimed, does not guarantee that the candidate with the most popular votes will win, produces great inequalities in voting power among the national electorate, contains a contingency election provision that is not only unrepresentative but that could also result in an impasse or in political duels, permits the will of the majority voters in a state or even in the nation to be thwarted through the constitutional independence of the electors, and permits the electoral decision to turn on fraud or chance in key states (Best 22). A study conducted by John F. Banzhaf, III revealed states like New York and California have over two and one half times as much chance to effect the election of the president as residents of the smaller states (Bickel 6). Furthermore, causing confusion amongst the political system, the Electoral College raised

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Famous Inventors from New Mexico

Famous Inventors from New Mexico A few famous inventors have hailed from New Mexico. William Hanna William Hanna (1910 - 2001) was one-half of Hanna-Barbara, the animation studio behind such famous cartoons as Scooby-Doo, Super Friends, Yogi Bear and The Flintstones. In addition to co-founding the studio and being the creative force behind many of its most famous cartoons, Hanna and Barbara were also responsible for creating Tom and Jerry early in their careers. Hanna was born in Melrose, New Mexico, though his family moved several times throughout his childhood. Edward Uhler Condon Edward Uhler Condon (1902 – 1974) was a nuclear physicist and a pioneer in quantum mechanics. He was born in Alamogordo, New Mexico, and while he attended high school and college in California, he returned to the state for a brief tenure with the Manhattan Project during World War II. As research director for Westinghouse Electric, he oversaw and conducted research that was instrumental to the development of both radar and nuclear weapons. He later became National Bureau of Standards, where he became a target for the House Un-American Activities Committee; however, he was famously defended against these allegations by such figures as Harry Truman and Albert Einstein. Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico on January 12, 1964. Hes best known as the founder, chairman and CEO of, making him one of the pioneers of e-commerce. He also founded Blue Origin, a private spaceflight company. Smokey Bear While not an inventor in the traditional sense, the living symbol of Smokey Bear was a native of New Mexico. The bear cub was rescued from a 1950 wildfire in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico and nicknamed Hotfoot Teddy due to the injuries he sustained during the fire, but renamed Smokey, after the fire prevention mascot mascot who had been created a few years prior.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Canaanites Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Canaanites - Research Paper Example Actually speaking, God allowed Canaanites a time span of 400 years so that their abominations could ripen to receive the justice of God. By ordering the Israelites to attack and exterminate the Canaanites, God achieved two objectives. First and foremost, He brought a true and righteous judgment on the deserving Canaanites. The Canaanites’ gods were known to engage in varied types of abominations that included bestiality and incest. Secondly, by commanding the extermination of the Canaanites, God succeeded in preparing the land for His true followers so as to give way to an appropriate religious setting to justify the advent of the Messiah, who had to redeem both the Israelites and the Gentiles. Therefore, to be able to grasp a possible insight into the ways of God within a Biblical context, it is imperative to delve on the history, religion and the culture of the abominable people like Canaanites. History of Canaanites Canaanites are the people variedly described throughout th e historical and biblical records. Yet, most of the times the Canaanites were shown to be centered in Palestine (Driver 24). Perhaps the native, pre Israelite inhabitants of Palestine were known by the name Canaanites. The term Canaan and Canaanites could be traced in the ancient Egyptian records dating back to fifteenth century BC and more profusely in the Old Testament. Geographically speaking, varied biblical and historical records tend to place Canaanites in varied locations. As per some records, Canaan referred to an area encompassing most of Syria and Palestine (Driver 136). As per some other records, Canaan ascribed to the land lying to the west of Jordan River (Driver 136). Some records consider Canaan merely to be a strip of coastal land to the north of Acre (Driver 146). It was some time at the ebb end of the second millennium BC that the Israelites conquered and exterminated Canaanites. The Holy Bible tends to justify the extermination of Canaanites by associating Canaan with the Promised Land that was promised by God to the Israelites and their descendents. The origins of the word ‘Canaanite tends to be a bit disputed. However, many historians believe that the word ‘Canaanite’ originated from an ancient Semitic word meaning â€Å"reddish purple†, related to the rich purple dye that was manufactured in the area of Canaan or the wool dyed in a rich purple color (Driver 135). The Bible identifies Canaanites to be the descendents of Ham. Canaan happened to be the brother of Mizarim and the fourth son of Ham. Actually speaking, it was Canaan who happened to be the grandson of Noah, who was cursed by Noah in Genesis. In that context, historically speaking, Canaanites tend to have a vicious and evil ancestor. Perhaps, with the passage of time, Canaanites metamorphosed into a general term referring to all the tribes that inhabited the west of Dead Sea and the East of Jordan River. As per the available historical findings, the paga n ancestry of the Canaanites could be traced back to Paleolithic and Mesolithic ages (McCown 77). It was sometime during the Bronze Age that Semitic people are known to appear in the area known by the name Canaan (McCown 77). It was primarily the Semitic Amorites who entered Canaan from the northeast

Friday, October 18, 2019

What's good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What's good - Essay Example These were the years of violation and neglect. Martin Luther states that everyone has to gain the rightful place in the world of God. He calls people to stay together, to unite and fight the injustice of the surrounding world. The reaction of the audience (the numerous ovations) persuades us that that the speech of Martin Luther gained great success and appreciation. Among the list of speeches, there was also one, which was worse than all the other ones. It was the discourse of Malcolm X about the rights of voting and black nationalism. Unlike Martin Luther he does not connect his religious views with the political events so tightly. However, he uses the same methods to attract the attention of the auditory. For example, the constant rise and fall of the intonation. The negative side is that he uses the complex sentences, which are sometimes meaningless. Anyway, he presents the strong arguments in order to support his position. He unites people by the definition â€Å"black community† and states that they need to understand its political ideas. Though Malcolm X definitely attracted the attention of the audience, his speech needs correction. In conclusion it is important to state that political speeches are used in order to influence the cognition of the population. The science of their creation requires great experience and pure vision of the world situation and moods of the

British Prime Minister Become Too Powerful Essay

British Prime Minister Become Too Powerful - Essay Example Prime minister is the party leader in the House of Commons because of rights accorded in selecting the cabinet, deciding agenda in cabinet meetings; hand out most of the departmental positions where he also chairs the parliamentary progress. The prime minister who is in the House of Commons has authorities to dismiss ministers from the house. He has power to direct and control policies for the government as the chief executive. The prime minister is ultimately accountable for policies and government decisions, he also oversees the civil service and other governmental agencies and appoints cabinet members and serves as the principal government member in the House of Commons. He or she heads the government, providing political leadership within the government cabinet system and the country at large. Its specific tasks include appointment and dismissal of government ministers, presiding over the cabinet and its committee (Dooley 172). It is also bound to set date of meetings and general elections and as well present the state in the international arena. According to Kevin Dooley (2009), the British prime minister is the most powerful voice in the British politics. The British prime minister is elected by the majority party in the House of Commons. The connection allows the British prime minister to have the ability to be actively engaged. The prime minister is ultimately accountable for policies and government decisions, he also oversees the civil service and other governmental agencies.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Manchurian Candidate Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Manchurian Candidate - Movie Review Example Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw is shown in a movie about the Korean War as the gallant hero who fought for humankind and due to his strength and determination, a major step forward was made in the war. Raymond Shaw is awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour upon the recommendation of the platoon’s commander, Captain Bennett Marco. He’s shown to be a really important person as generals are made to salute him and there’s a whole parade upon his arrival. When Marco and his fellow platoon members are asked to describe Raymond Shaw, they automatically use the following phrase to describe him: â€Å"Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.† But as Marco himself says it deep down they know that Shaw is a cold, sad, unsympathetic loner.After returning to the United States, the newly promoted now Major Marco starts suffering from a string of the same nightmare in which he sees a hypnotized Shaw, easily and without a single moment of hesitation murdering the two members of his platoon that had earlier not returned with. He does this in front of the Top Brass of the Communist regime during a demonstration of the Conditioning done by the Soviets to allow them to control Shaw at their will. Marco is very disturbed by these nightmares and he has trouble sleeping at night. He knows inside that there is something â€Å"Shady† about this whole incident. Marco wants to investigate this matter but due to the lack of substantial proof, he gets no help from the Army Intelligence but is transferred to the public relations department. Marco however, learns from another officer from the same platoon, Allen Melvin, that he has been having the same nightmares as well. Both Melvin and Marco separately identify the same people as the top brass they see in their dreams and thus get the support of the army to help Marco investigate.

Set350 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Set350 - Research Paper Example The combustion of the fuel produces a force that steers the machine, but this was not attained overnight. It was attained after continuous research and experimentations by various scientists. This paper explores the evolution of the diesel engine from 1893 to 1900. Rudolph started the development of the diesel engine in 1992 after filing and acquiring a patent in Germany believing that an engine that automatically ignites would have lower risk of fire, long service life, and move long distances using low amounts of fuel (1, par 1). Through various experimentations, Rudolph’s efforts bore fruits in 1893 when he, for the first time, produced a model that operated at 26% efficiency an efficiency which was twice that of steam engines that were in use (4, par 1). Rudolph continued improving his model and in February 1897, he ran a practical diesel engine which he exhibited at a Fair in Paris in the same year (1, par 2; 2, par 2). Apparently, this model, which operated at a whopping efficiency of 75%, portrayed Rudolph’s idea and vision as it was primarily powered by the original biodiesel, peanut oil (1, par 1). However, he hoped to improve the usability and competitiveness of the engine by developing mechanisms that would allow the u se of biomass fuel as this will also make it affordable to farmers, industries as well as the common folk (1, par 2; 4, par 3). In 1899, Rudolph licensed Krupp and Sulzer who immediately became major manufacturers of the engine (2, par 3). Apparently, previous engines had huge fuel injection propels that made them heavy and unfavorable for shipping (4, par 2). Thus, the new small and light diesel engine benefited submarines with various submarines being built in 1910, 1912, and 1913. Due to his political ideas that confronted those of the German government, Rudolph is thought to have been

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Manchurian Candidate Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Manchurian Candidate - Movie Review Example Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw is shown in a movie about the Korean War as the gallant hero who fought for humankind and due to his strength and determination, a major step forward was made in the war. Raymond Shaw is awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour upon the recommendation of the platoon’s commander, Captain Bennett Marco. He’s shown to be a really important person as generals are made to salute him and there’s a whole parade upon his arrival. When Marco and his fellow platoon members are asked to describe Raymond Shaw, they automatically use the following phrase to describe him: â€Å"Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.† But as Marco himself says it deep down they know that Shaw is a cold, sad, unsympathetic loner.After returning to the United States, the newly promoted now Major Marco starts suffering from a string of the same nightmare in which he sees a hypnotized Shaw, easily and without a single moment of hesitation murdering the two members of his platoon that had earlier not returned with. He does this in front of the Top Brass of the Communist regime during a demonstration of the Conditioning done by the Soviets to allow them to control Shaw at their will. Marco is very disturbed by these nightmares and he has trouble sleeping at night. He knows inside that there is something â€Å"Shady† about this whole incident. Marco wants to investigate this matter but due to the lack of substantial proof, he gets no help from the Army Intelligence but is transferred to the public relations department. Marco however, learns from another officer from the same platoon, Allen Melvin, that he has been having the same nightmares as well. Both Melvin and Marco separately identify the same people as the top brass they see in their dreams and thus get the support of the army to help Marco investigate.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic Manement - Budget Airline Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Manement - Budget Airline - Assignment Example stomers than other competing airlines as it has effectively blended the low fares combination with an extremely friendly customer service, no exasperating fees, excellent working culture and highly efficient operational system. The key facts of Southwest Airlines are represented in the following table: Southwest Airlines has ensured that it develops a highly effective and well-integrated business model that will allow it to provide superior quality services to the customers at low fares. The crucial elements of the business model related to the excellence in customer service are providing safe journey, offering reliable services, shorter travelling period, excellent service quality, short haul point to point travel and lowest fare. The company is enhancing the customer’s travelling experience by providing them online booking services so that they can make their travel packages quickly and effectively. It has been clearly mentioned in the mission statement of Southwest Airlines that it wants to provide the customers with superb travelling experience at low fare prices. In order to support this mission of the company, the positioning statement of Southwest Airlines can be stated as â€Å"To be the number one service provider for aviation needs by offering the customers a unique and sensational solution with superior quality and low cost.† The company acquired AirTran in 2011 with the aim of extending its fleet base so that it can widen its range of destinations (Morre, 2011). The existing business model of the company is well-integrated and properly developed that permits it to gain a competitive edge in the airline industry. The crucial element for the airline companies is the operational mechanics that range from the booking of air tickets to the maintenance of aircrafts. As one of the Key Success Factors of Southwest Airlines is the low-cost operational efficiency, it has ensured that it upgrades the operations by implementing a well-designed value chain

Into the Wild Essay Example for Free

Into the Wild Essay In writing â€Å"Into the Wild,† Krakauer’s intention was to uncover the facts (or at least get as close to the facts as possible) surrounding Christopher McCandless’ journey â€Å"into the wild. † Krakauer discusses and presents theories and explanations about McCandless’ reasons for going off into a potentially fatal journey, and also presents investigations into how McCandless came to such a state in his life. Krakauer gives us some idea of the direct cause of McCandless’ death, and his reasons for doing what he did. Krakauer aims to give readers with invaluable insight into the mind of McCandless—how McCandless came about the idea of going to the Alaskan wilderness, what his motivations were, how he planned and managed to survive the grueling trek, and most importantly, â€Å"why? † The author seeks to understand what happened to McCandless in the wild, and to explain why someone so full of promise, who seems to have such an ideal life and much of all that he could ask for, could do what McCandless did. However, Krakauer does not presume to be certain about McCandless reasons, but he presents some very good explanations and allows us to understand McCandless’ mind even more. By revealing many things about the reasons behind McCandless’ death, Krakauer shows us that McCandless was far more than a simple and reckless fool who wasted his life. McCandless, who was an intelligent young man, went off into the Alaskan woods to â€Å"find himself† and to reunite with nature. He was heavily influenced by the literature he had read, to such an extent that he became, most of all, a man in search of himself and of a purpose in life. In order to really â€Å"find† himself, he felt it necessary to cut all ties from society, from his family, and reinvent himself as Alexander Supertramp, thus cutting his ties with his old identity. Whether or not he found what he was looking for in the wild is open to speculation, however Krakauer describes McCandless’s psychological terrain by including anecdotes and quotations from people who were in a similar state of mind as McCandless, as well as drawing parallels with his own life as a mountaineer and adventurer. Each chapter presents different tales from others who have been in the same road as McCandless, people who have also sought the solitude of the wild. Krakauer also interviewed people who have come in contact with McCandless during his journey. By the end of â€Å"Into the Wild,† the readers gains significant understanding of McCandless’ personality. Whether McCandless was brave or foolish, his journey of self-discovery is something that almost everyone can relate with and understand on some level. However, while the book is accessible to anyone who could have some interest in the controversial life and death of Christopher McCandless, it is most geared towards those who have sentiments similar to those that McCandless held regarding society, nature, and how to live. â€Å"Into the Wild† helps us understand McCandless’ character, although by the end of the book, it is still up to the reader to decide if McCandless was â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong† in having done what he did – whether he was courageoeus or merely foolish.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Zone fitness market research

Zone fitness market research According to Kotler, P. (1988) marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups can obtain what they need and what they want. This can be achieved by creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others. The figure below illustrates the core concepts of marketing like needs, wants and demands, Product, value, cost, satisfaction and other concepts. Needs, wants demands Product Value, cost satisfaction Exchange transactions relationships Markets Marketing marketers Fig: 1.0. Core Concepts of Marketing Zone fitness is the new health and fitness company based in Huddersfield. Due to the continued growth of the health and fitness market in the UK, the company was formed. The company offers a range of health and fitness services on a membership only basis. Zone fitness operates 1 mile away from town centre in a place which was previously furniture warehouse. Few of the companys facilities are, rowing machines, exercise bikes, weights etc. One of the important parts of the services to the members is that there is an initial joining fee and the range changes according to the period of membership taken out for. The company was formed by three friends with now previous managerial or marketing experience or knowledge. The company is three years old and now has employs a total of 15 staff. The company is looking to grow in future both in terms of members and also in terms of health and fitness facilities offered but feel it now need to become more effective at marketing in order to face the competition. As a marketing consultant a report has been produced, to increase and improve the companys marketing activities. The overall review of the report covers areas such as, industry analysis, market segmentation, targeting, position, pricing strategy, etc. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS According to Brassington and Pettitt (2006), the industry analysis aim is to determine and understand the evolving opportunities and threats of the markets as they relate to the strengths and weakness of the health and fitness firm. The analysis covers areas such as size, growth, profits, cost structure, competitors, etc. MACRO ENVIRONMENT Economic environment is the general changes the economic conditions and the changes in pattern of the income distribution of the customers as well as the operation of the economic system are responsible for a variety of economic phenomena. These involve factors such as fluctuations, trade, economic growth rate, inflation and recession. (Peter, 2008) Socio-cultural environment is the attitudes towards the physical fitness and general wellness and individual ways of life of the customers and standards formed by the cultures and changing social values. (Johnson, et al., 2008) Political environment is the government with its political involvement and the legislation as the main components which can change the political as well as influence of the key issues in the companies such as policies, regulations etc. (Peter, 2008) Technological environment is responsible for the innovation and changes of the equipments such as tread mills, bikes, weights machines and also supplements. The development and new equipments can have an effect on the future of the Zone Fitness. The technology can change the emergence of the many substitute products. (Armstrong, et al., 2009) MICRO ENVIRONMENT SUPPLIER: Suppliers form an important link to the companys overall value delivery system. It provides the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and services. The Zone Fitness management must watch supply availability such as supply shortages, delays and other events which can cost sales in the short term and damage customer satisfaction. (Gilligan, et al., 2009) CUSTOMER: The Company needs to study the types of customer markets. Consumer markets consist of individuals or households that need services and health care activities for personal consumption. Business markets where the company can sell the services to the employees and for further processing. Reseller markets where the company can buy the facilities for certain profits. (Gilligan, et al., 2009) COMPETITOR: The marketing concept states that to be successful a company must provide greater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors. The Zone Fitness Management must do more than simply adapting to the needs of the customers. They must gain strategic advantage by positing their offerings strongly against competitors offerings. (Armstrong, et al., 2009) MARKET SUMMARY The UK health fitness clubs can be divided into two sectors: health clubs which are privately owned and leisure centres which are owned by the local authorities. Leisure centres which are defined as public facilities are changing to cope up with shifting consumer priorities and financial measures. UK has over 5,750 indoor facilities for keeping fit. The health club is still fairly fragmented, but there are now 10 large chains including David Lloyd leisure, Fitness First, Virgin Active and LA Fitness. (The Leisure Database, 2007) MARKET DEMOGRAPHICS Population of UK: 62,348,447 as of July 2010. Age Structure: 0-14 years: 16.7% (male 5,233,756/female 4,986,131) 15-64 years: 67.1% (male 20,774,192/female 20,246,519) 65 and over: 16.2% (male 4,259,654/female 5,612,953) Median Age: Total: 39.8 years Male: 38.6 years Female: 40.9 years (Mouseprice, 2010) MARKET SIZE GROWTH The UK health fitness industry has a revenue estimated almost  £3.6 billion and 11.9% of the UK population are registered as members in the health and fitness or publicly-owned fitness facilities. The membership has been growing up by 3% since 2006 and now there are over 230 new public and private facilities that have been added to the health and fitness industry portfolio. Almost 90% of the UK population lives within 2 miles of a private health or publicly-owned fitness facilities. UK market for health and fitness club has increased by a moderate of 1% in nominal terms, by 2010. (Research and Markets, 2010) On contrary to this, annual growth rates have been declined from 7% in 2006 to just 1% by 2010. Both of which, exerted a downward pressure on disposable income and consumer confidence, reducing demand for health and fitness centres as the money is spent on necessities rather than luxuries. Moreover, annual growth is also believed to have slowed due to increased saturation and competition in the market, which has led to a reduction in membership fees in the private sector. (The Leisure Database, 2007) The membership penetration is 33% higher in London than the UK average and also obesity risk rates are 65% lower in London. The Southwest region is another area in UK to have lower risk in obesity by 34%, but the membership penetration level is higher by 3% the UK average. The regions of North East and South West have largest membership growth in private club memberships whilst the East Midlands topped the impressive growth rates in the public sector. (Corporate Fitness, 2010) 3.0. PORTERS FIVE FORCES A Porters five forces analyses explore five different principal factors, which determine the attractiveness of a health fitness market. Bargaining power of buyers Zone Fitness Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of suppliers Competitive rivalry within an industry Threat of substitute products Fig.2.0. Porters five forces for Zone Fitness Threat of new entrants: The barriers to the new entrants are very high. The main development of private gymnasium and leisure centres on the country which take years and capital required have put smaller companies out of the picture. Some of the health clubs are combined and franchised, but all existing major big companies have sufficient back up support to make themselves unattractive for acquisitions. The domination of some of the big health and fitness companies insure that they can manage a threshold level of profitability. (Euromonitor International, 2010) Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers have low bargaining poor over health and fitness centres due to strong brand power and distribution capabilities of the companies and due to fragmented supplying industry. The need for facilities and equipments is to explore and re-conceive their business models, like by playing on the customers experience issue and to try to arrive at a more profitable but risky mode. These kinds of initiatives might also help moderate the stance of health and fitness companies. (Market and Business Development, 2010) Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have a strong bargaining power over health and fitness companies because of the range of choices the buyers have. All major companies sell same facilities and at nearly same price so buyer can switch to another company without any doubt. Nearly 94% of customers today have choice of three or more health and fitness companies which can be available to them within 5 minutes of range and many other leisure centres as well. Numerous companies are competing for their business with facilities of varying size and formats. Power of buyers is high and companies that raise prices are likely to lose customers. (Research and Markets, 2010) Threat of substitute products: Health and fitness centres in the available sector are an available alternative for customers, but there has been some convergence between these two sectors as the companies extend their formats. (Euromonitor International, 2010) Competitive rivalry within an industry: The rivalry is intense even though the market is concentrated, especially among the top companies. At a micro level the industry rivalry is centred and a limitation strategy that the major companies resort to if one initiative is successful. The rivalry among major companies is intense and this has led to a price war between companies. This is because the companies sustain the declining profitability without exiting the market and there is no incentive for major companies to rush into extreme and profit eroding price war. (Aaker and McLaughlin 2010) 3.1. COMPETITION Zone Fitness has a highly competitive market in Huddersfield, but the following four will be direct competitors due to their establishment in and around Huddersfield. Bodyzone Fitness Centre Unit 11f/Nortonthorpe Mills/Nortonthorpe Industrial Estate Wakefield R Scissett Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9LA Website: Services offered: gymnasium, beauty centre, health club, aerobics, swimming, and sauna and cardio theatre. (The Fitmap, 2008) Fitness First Lockwood Park Brewery Drive Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD4 6EN 01484 429000 Website: Services offered: gym, cardio theatre, spinning room, x-press workout, crà ¨che, squash, studio, lounge, juice bar, personal trainers, sauna, and steam room, aroma and sun bed. (The Fitmap, 2008) University of Huddersfield Gym Sports Hall Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH 01484 472093 Website: Services offered: cardiovascular training, step n tones, boxercise, groove n move, hula hoops, kettlebell, boot camp, pilates, abdominal blast, sports team camp, yoga, kung fu, spinning, tae kwon do and swimming. (Bizplan Cover, 2009) MARKET SEGMENTATION, TARGETING AND POSITIONING Market segmentation can be defined as the process of dividing the total market into segments or target market of consumers with common needs or characteristics and selecting one or more segments to target with a marketing mix. Zone Fitness company needs to know the needs and wants of their customers to better enable them to provide facilities and services that will satisfy the customer needs and wants. This may be problematic as there are numerous health and fitness facilities in the consumer market which the company can satisfy. Therefore, Zone Fitness must divide its market into various needs and wants. This is the process of the segmentation. (Cant, et al., 2009) The company must next decide which market segments needs it can best satisfy. The company should develop its marketing offers such as facilities and membership discounts and the process of deciding which segment to pursue is referred to as targeting market. Therefore, targeting deals with the process whereby a marketing mix is tailored to fit some specific customers. (Aaker and McLaughlin 2010) Positioning refers to the creation of a specific image or perception of the facilities and services by consumers in a selected target market. It is therefore the way in which consumers view competitive brands or types of products. For new products it means how the company wants to compare the new item in terms of its predecessors. The company will need attempt to establish a favourable position for its product by means of marketing communication such as advertising, however as it is believed that the product positioning is limited to advertising is no longer appropriate. (Ouwersloot and Duncan 2008) 4. SWOT ANALYSIS Many companies evaluate opportunities utilizing an analysis framework referred to as SWOT. It is an acronym for strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats that can be investigated and can be used in early stages like market planning and decision making for zone fitness. On one hand it operates the matching of vital strengths with major environment opportunities and on the other hand it provides for improvising weaknesses and possibilities of risk in the zone fitness marketing. (Cant, et al., 2009) STRENGHTS: Zone Fitness is more committed towards a result orientated approach to maintain its customers in a highly competitive market. Facilities and health programmes are well taught according to the need of Zone Fitness. Reduction in fees and discount in membership service in entire market of UK. Also Zone Fitness has well trained and qualified staff. Personal services, individual programmes and advice are seen as being a key part of competitive success. (About Health Clubs, 2009) WEAKNESS: Personal training and individual programmes can be expensive. There are no swimming facilities which can be a problem in providing services to a large pool of members. Marketing budget is very short to attract business clients. (NetMBA, 2009) OOPURTUNITIES: Health and fitness clubs are rapidly growing in UK. Increasing health conditions and diseases such a obesity are causing people to join and pay more importance to exercise and health care activities. Health clubs and gym have become a routine of life in the peoples daily schedule. A low income area can be of special focus for zone fitness which is mostly ignored by rival competitors. (NetMBA, 2009) THREATS: One of the main threats could be because of recession and economic downturn, which can slowdown the growth of health and fitness industry. Low cost equipments are also available in the markets for home exercise. Although market is rapidly growing a small level threat can be of low cost offers from well established competitors. (About Health Clubs, 2009) MARKETING MIX Zone Fitness companys marketing mix is based on the factors of product, cost, distribution and advertising. PRODUCT: Health and fitness services: Rowing machines Exercise bikes Weights Aerobics Yoga Steam room Sauna, tanning rooms Massage services and Jacuzzis PRICE: Zone Fitness will be facing a challenge with highly competitive markets such as David Lloyd, Fitness First, etc. Therefore company is offering services at cost less than existing market standards with reduced fees for the under 18s and over 55s and discounts for the family memberships, etc. A new member for yearly membership would pay an initial joining fee of  £100 and a yearly membership of  £500. This would give members an unlimited access of the services and facilities of the company. PLACE: Zone Fitness company is located within the 1 mile radius of the town centre of Huddersfield. The company has a direct supply of their facilities and will not be involving in any kind of franchise or network. PROMOTION: Zone Fitness can use newspapers, magazines, internet, television and radio as the medium of advertising. In addition they could also print brochures for creating awareness in the market about their health and fitness services. (Cant, et al., 2009) INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (IMC) STRATEGY Integrated Marketing Communications is a cross-functional process of creating and nourishing profitable relationships with customers and other stake holders strategically controlling or influencing all messages sent to these groups and encouraging them. The marketing mix of an organisation for tangible products compress of four elements, these are; marketing communications, price, promotions and distribution. The marketing communication element influences the other three elements; therefore it is important for Zone Fitness to be aware of their relationship between these four elements, while designing and planning the marketing strategy. (Ouwersloot and Duncan 2008) The responsibility of Zone Fitness management is to compile a programme that establishes a framework for the development, implementation, coordination and control of companys marketing communications. The aim of such a programme is to develop an effectiveness IMC programme that targets the customers in an attempt to influence their attitudes and behaviour. STRATEGIES OBJECTIVES Setting the IMC objectives and compiling it with the budget are crucial activities in the marketing communications department. IMC objectives and the budget constitute two basic guidelines and constraint in the formulation of an IMC strategy and for the various elements. The period within which the IMC objectives and strategies must be achieved covers the same period which all activities of the various marketing communication elements are implemented. (Hutt and Speh 2009) IMC objectives and strategies the Zone Fitness can follow are: The objectives must be formulated and once they have been, a provisional marketing communication budget must be prepared on the basis of the formulated goal. Marketing communications development and different strategies for each element are usually the most comprehensive of all phases. Each marketing communications element plays a unique role in achieving the integrated marketing communications objectives. The IMC decisions must be co-ordinated to prevent element being singled out. The decision taken must be synchronised by the company so that the ultimate objective can be reached without any form of duplication and resultant additional cost. After that there should be the development of an action plan for each IMC strategy. This is the operational programme, which is very detailed and contains activities, responsibilities and time frames. The penultimate is the measurement of the IMC effectiveness. It is important to ascertain whether the IMC programme has achieved its objective. The continual feedback on the effectiveness of the IMC strategy and programme so that deviations from the formulated objectives can be evaluated with a view to taking corrective measures. In the overall summary the IMC objectives and strategies must be derives from the marketing strategies and elements such as advertising, personal selling, promotions, publicity, public relations and e-communications must be derived from the marketing communications strategies for Zone Fitness company. (Ouwersloot and Duncan 2008)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hector Tobars The Tattooed Soldier Essay -- The Tattooed Soldier Essa

  Ã‚     Ã‚  Downtown Los Angeles is one of the busiest commercial centers in the United States. However, the city holds two groups of people in different economic level-the homeless and the working class. Hector Tobar frequently includes the landscape of the setting in downtown Los Angeles in The Tattooed Soldier. The novel is about two immigrants from Guatemala who have moved to Los Angeles. The protagonist, Antonio, takes a revenge on the antagonist, Longoria because he murdered Antonio's wife and son when he was a Guatemalan soldier. Tobar applies a number of metaphors to connect the buildings and freeways in downtown to Antonio's position in the city. Buildings, freeways, and shadows are metaphors for Antonio's economic and social status.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tobar uses description of buildings to reinforce Antonio's economic and social position in life. He informs the reader about the squat apartment buildings when the protagonist is on the way to a homeless camp, which have a significant contrast with the skyscrapers where Antonio observes later. Everyone can see the skyscrapers, but not many people know the existence of the short apartments. Tobar uses the invisibility of these apartments to reflect the inferiority of the protagonist in Los Angeles. Antonio's existence is the least significant as an illegal immigrant. He is seen as a parasite that is not accepted by the city. The apartment owner, Hwang, even forces him to leave with a call to the police (9). On the other hand, the auth...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Details Of Hiv And Aids Health And Social Care Essay

The intent of composing this paper was to farther educate myself, and any other readers, on the inside informations of HIV and AIDS. As a kid turning up in the 1980s, I vividly remember the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic here in the United States. The media was saturated with information ; so much so that even at a comparatively immature age I remember being reasonably good informed about ( and terrified of ) the disease. The positive was that that fright, and the sum of information that I had accumulated, stuck with me through life. I practiced safe sex ( every bit much as possible ) non merely to forestall gestation, but largely to avoid catching HIV or any other STI. Recently something occurred to me. I can non remember the last clip I ‘ve heard reference of HIV or AIDS in the media. While it ‘s non surprising the topic is n't the hot subject it was about 30 old ages ago, this deficiency of attending may be a hurt to younger coevals ‘s cognition of the disease. I ca n't talk about the Public School system, but in my ain ( private, spiritual school ) instruction from K – 12th class, I can mensurate the sum of sexual instruction I received in mere hours. It ‘s difficult to be concerned about a subject you may cognize following to nil approximately. My ain cognition of these diseases has non grown since high school. This was the inspiration to take this subject to compose on. I feel this subject is particularly relevant to college age pupils. At this clip in their lives, they may happen many chances to prosecute in hazardous behaviours that may take to exposure to HIV/AIDS. Without proper cognition, it may be easy to disregard the disease as non being unsafe any longer. After all, why worry about it if no 1 talks about it any longer? It must non be that large of a trade, right? Students this age demand to cognize that the disease is still prevailing, still incurable, and still really lifelessly. Being informed agencies they have the tools to protect themselves and do better picks to remain safe. HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ) and AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ) are classified as a retrovirus, intending that it replicates by occupying a normal organic structure cell, destructing the cell ‘s Deoxyribonucleic acid and so copies its ain Deoxyribonucleic acid into the cell ‘s chromosomes. By reiterating this procedure over and over the virus spreads through the host. Infections begin by geting HIV. As the virus spreads, it begins to assail and destruct the organic structure ‘s immune system cells, specifically CD4+ T-cells. Once a individual ‘s measured CD4+ falls below half of the normal sum and they have developed one or more timeserving infections, they are diagnosed as holding AIDS. ( Johnson, 2008 ) ( The effects of the virus on the organic structure will be detailed in a ulterior subdivision ) To convey the HIV virus, bodily fluids such as seeds, vaginal fluids or blood of an septic individual must come in the blood stream of another. As such, some of the most common paths of infection include unprotected sex and sharing acerate leafs used for endovenous drug usage, tattooing or organic structure piercing. Other methods include blood transfusions ( though current testing techniques have reduced this to virtually nil ) or mother-to-infant transmittals through blood during gestation or bringing, or through breast milk while nursing. ( Hunter, 2005 ) The first instance of HIV/AIDS was non discovered until around 1981, in the United States. Within one twelvemonth, 1500 new instances of what would finally go known as AIDS were diagnosed. ( Patton, 2002 ) Since that clip the figure of people known to be populating with HIV/AIDS worldwide has skyrocketed. Harmonizing to statistics from the World Health Organization, as of 2008 about 33.4 million people across the Earth are presently populating with HIV. ( World Health Organization [ WHO ] , 2008 )How common is the problem/issue in the United States?For the first several old ages of the epidemic the reported instances of AIDS in the United States continued to lift, hitting a high point of 79,752 new instances being reported in the twelvemonth 1993. From the beginning of the epidemic in 1981 through the twelvemonth 2000, and estimated sum of 733,374 people had been diagnosed with AIDS. ( McElrath, 2002 ) Since so the figure of new instances has decreased and become reasonably changeles s, with the new estimation being about 37,991 new instances reported and a cumulative sum of 1,106,391 people diagnosed with the disease since the start. The figure of people populating with HIV in the United States has continued to lift over the old ages, and it is estimated that as of 2006 over 1 million people are infected with the disease, with 42,439 new instances reported in 2008. ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention [ CDC ] , 2010 ) The disease seem to be more prevailing among work forces. 73 % of all new HIV/AIDS instances diagnosed in 2006 were work forces. ( Hock, 2007 ) Certain cultural groups are disproportionately affected by the disease every bit good. African Americans make up about 12 % of the U.S. population, but history for about half of the entire population life with the disease every bit good as half of the new infections reported per twelvemonth. Likewise, Hispanics/Latinos comprise 17 % of the state ‘s population but history for for 17 % of those populating with the disease and the same per centum of new infections per twelvemonth. ( CDC, 2010 ) The rate of new infections among both sexes of these minorities is several times that of Caucasians. HIV/AIDS is besides more prevailing amongst the immature, specifically striplings and immature grownups. Of the sum reported instances of AIDS through 2008, merely about 9,349 were diagnosed in kids under the age of 13. The age scope of 20 – 40 seems to be the hardest hit, and comprises about 2/3 of the entire figure of instances reported in the U.S. through 2006. ( CDC, 2008 )How common is this problem/issue in other states?Sub-saharan African states have been hit the hardest by HIV/AIDS. Of the 33.4 million people in the universe life with the disease, over two tierces of them ( 22.4 million ) reside in this country of the universe. It is estimated that in 2008 entirely, 1.9 million new people were infected with the disease. South Africa itself is place to an estimated 5.7 million people infected with HIV/AIDS. ( Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS [ UNAIDS ] , 2009 ) Prevalence rates of the disease vary from state to state, but about all are above 10 % . The state with the highest degree of prevalence is Swaziland, with 26 % of its grownup population infected with HIV. ( WHO, 2008 ) The chief method of transmittal of the disease in this part is via heterosexual sexual contact, although the â€Å" usual † hazard groups are besides represented. In blunt contrast to the United States in respect to prevalence rates between sexes, Sub-saharan adult females are the bulk of the septic. As of 2008, 60 % of the entire HIV infections in the part were female. This is thought to be largely due to the sex trade in the part ; nine states have reported that over 30 % sex trade workers are confirmed HIV positive. ( UNAIDS, 2009 ) There is good intelligence sing the epidemic in the part. Many states have been sing diminutions in prevalence rates and new infections over the past old ages. For illustration, Zimbabwe, which in 1997 reported an grownup prevalence rate of merely under 30 % has seen a steady diminution since so. It ‘s current rate of 15 % , while still high, shows unbelievable advancement in decelerating the spread of the disease. The figure of entire people populating with the disease is really high, but portion of the figure is due to the fact that septic people of the part are get downing to populate longer thanks to better intervention options. ( WHO, 2008 ) This, coupled with better consciousness and instruction of the disease and a general displacement towards better sexual patterns is get downing to convey a step of control of the epidemic Tho the part, but much more work demands to be done to truly acquire a grip on the job.What are the negative effects of this job on the person, house hold, and society?The most obvious consequence of the disease on the person is, to be blunt, decease. As HIV continues to destruct a individual ‘s immune system, they become susceptible to timeserving infections. This means that sicknesses that a normal immune system could contend off with easiness become serious jobs in those with the disease. It is these infections that cause decease due to AIDS ; the organic structure becomes more and more worn down by invariably combating the disease and its infections until it merely can non go on to contend. ( Hunter, 2005 ) There are other effects non limited in range to the septic individual ‘s organic structure. In the earlier old ages of the epidemic when cognition of the causes and transmittal methods of HIV/AIDS was ill-defined, there was a definite fright of those populating with the disease. This increased as it was made clear that the disease was non entirely limited to homosexual work forces or injection drug users, the two groups who comprised the bulk of initial diagnosings. Some provinces enacted Torahs to divide septic individuals from the remainder of the population. ( Siplon, 2002 ) People populating with the disease lost their occupations and medical insurance due to their septic position. They besides found themselves alienated by friends and household who merely did n't cognize how to get by. ( Patton, 2002 ) There was a definite feeling of a divide in society between those with the disease and those without. A illustration of such a divide could be seen in the instance of Ryan White in 1985. Ryan was 13 old ages old at the clip he was diagnosed with AIDS received via a blood transfusion. When his infected was discovered he was barred by school functionaries from returning to category. After taking the affair to tribunal and winning he was allowed to return to category merely to confront more favoritism. Even though wellness governments assured the populace that the disease could non be transmitted casually, people did non like the thought of a kid infected with a fatal disease around their kids. Protests occurred outside the school daily, and the full household was capable to menaces and other signifiers of torment until they were finally forced to relocate to a more accepting community. ( Siplon, 2002 ) Today, with better apprehension of the disease and its transmittal methods there is far less fright of those infected with the disease. However, there still seems to be a spot of a stigma attached to being infected with the disease, possibly likely due to the fact that is still at this clip incurable. ( McElrath, 2002 )Describe how another civilization or state view this job.One interesting instance to analyze is that of Kenya. While other states acted to seek to control the spread of HIV/AIDS, Kenya did non. Alternatively, Kenya continued to deny the significance of the disease, both politically and and socially. A strong stigma was attached to what the state viewed as â€Å" a disease of homophiles and aliens † . No Torahs exist to protect septic people from favoritism. HIV trials are platitude in the employment procedure, and negative consequences are required to measure up for most life and wellness insurance policies. ( McElrath, 2002 ) There has even been talk of impleme nting a policy of compulsory presentment of sexual spouses by people infected with HIV. ( Patton, 2002 ) The community as a whole seems loath to face the possibility that they may be infected. As such, the sum of people who choose to voluntarily be tested for the disease is really low. Peoples are besides really loath to uncover their HIV positive position to others due to the ostracization that may happen. Kenya has been slow in its attempts to battle the disease. Attempts have been made but seem to ever hit opposition, or merely a dreamy attitude toward the job. Plans to include information about generative wellness and HIV/AIDS into the school course of study were met with heavy resistance from parents and the spiritual elements of the authorities, and were finally abandoned. In 1997 Parliament passed a sessional paper detailing the state ‘s program to stem the disease, but it did non hold the power of jurisprudence. Since so few of the commissariats that were set Forth in the paper have come to fruition ; the authorities still seems to be dragging its pess to turn to the issue caput on. A National Aids Control Program was established, but placed really low in political importance and has been mostly uneffective. ( McElrath, 2002 )Describe at least two ways how 1 might get by with this sexual job or issue.It is true that there still is no remedy for HIV/AIDS, but medical interv entions of the disease have improved greatly over the old ages. In the early old ages, there was merely one drug known to battle the HIV virus: AZT ( azidothymidine ) . Before that drug existed, physicians were limited to handling the timeserving infections that developed in their patients ( Patton, 2002 ) Nowadays there are upwards of 30 different drugs. The most common drug intervention therapy is called HAART ( Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy ) , more normally known as the â€Å" AIDS cocktail † . In this therapy a patient will take a combination of several different anti-HIV drugs. This slows the patterned advance of the disease into full blown AIDS ( by several old ages, in some instances more than 20 ) , evidently increasing the endurance rate of the patient. Even after the oncoming of AIDS, HAART intervention can assist forestall timeserving infections from developing. This comes at a monetary value ; long term usage of this therapy could take to other serious wel lness hazards such as coronary bosom disease. A patient may besides construct an unsusceptibility to a type of drug over clip. ( Hock, 2007 ) Many policies sing HIV/AIDS have besides been instituted. One of the biggest is the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency ( CARE ) act enacted in 1990. This provided federal support to plans that provide attention and other support for people infected with the disease. There are plans aimed at bar of the disease, such as ( voluntary ) HIV/AIDS instruction in schools, doing AIDS information available to the general public every bit good as aiming specific high hazard demographics, to controversial plans such as needle exchange plans for endovenous drug users and doing rubbers readily available in high schools. The Americans with Disabilities Act included people populating with HIV/AIDS, protecting them by jurisprudence from favoritism. ( Siplon, 2002 ) All of these techniques have helped to increase the quality and length of life for septic people.Choose the attack you feel best addressed and/or solves the problem/issue and depict why this method is better.While I believe research to forestall and perchance bring around the disease is a worthy outgo of resources, modern medical specialty is still a long manner from happening a remedy. To truly extinguish the disease, the first measure should be to seek to extinguish the causes of it. Therefore, it is my sentiment that the better header method would be to concentrate on policies and plans to battle HIV/AIDS, specifically plans on bar. There is grounds that such plans work. In one survey done in New York between 1990 – 2001, after needle exchange plans were implemented HIV prevalence dropped from a high of 54 % to a depression of 13 % . ( Patton, 2002 ) An Australian study stated that during 1990 – 2000, an estimated 25,000 HIV infections had been averted due to needle exchange plans. ( McElrath, 2002 ) Although these plans are controversial, they produce consequences. Possibly the strongest instance point is Uganda, located in Sub-Saharan Africa. The authorities responded caput on to the disease when the range of the epidemic became clear. It implemented policies for attention of the septic, plans to distribute instruction and consciousness of the disease and its methods of transmittal, and better sex instruction for the population. It besides better educated people of the methods for safer sex, and made rubbers widely available and provided direction on proper usage. ( McElrath, 2002 ) The consequence of these policies is amazing ; prevalence of HIV in Uganda has dropped from a high of 15 % to an unbelievable 5 % . ( UNAIDS, 2008 ) This shows that decently funded and executed plans and policies can hold a profound affect on the prevalence of the disease. While it ‘s non a remedy, decelerating and possibly halting the spread of HIV/AIDS is the best class of action to prosecute while scientific discipline continues to seek for a lasting remed y.Describe at least one get bying technique or method utilized by another civilization or state.The state of Brazil ‘s National AIDS plan ( PN-DST/AIDS ) has instituted legion policies for intervention of those with HIV/AIDS every bit good as instruction and awareness plans aimed to stem the spread of the disease since its origin in 1985. Possibly the most extremist policy is that of supplying free drug intervention therapy ( including HAART ) to anyone necessitating it. Numerous ( but still non all ) infirmaries are equipped and able to supply equal attention for septic people. Surveies of the epidemic in the state are performed on a regular basis every two old ages to track incident rates and roll up other statistics. Millions of dollars have been spent on telecasting and wireless runs to assist educate and distribute consciousness of the disease in the population. Educational stuffs were made widely available to the people ( with specific stuffs distributed to the high haza rd public ) and a monthly paper detailing the disease and bar techniques is distributed to rate school pupils. Programs advancing rubber usage and distribution were besides created. Several hundred nongovernmental organisations formed with partial support from PN-DST/AIDS and have been priceless helping in the executing of these plans. ( Okie, 2006 ) While an project of this magnitude is a baronial attack to contending the disease, it comes at a steep monetary value. Funding for PN-DST/AIDS came about entirely from an tremendous loan granted by the World Bank ( about $ 650 million ) Obviously this debt entirely is a monolithic hurdle for the state to get the better of in the coming old ages. It must besides non merely acquire out from under the debt, but continue to fund the plans without incurring heavier debt. The drugs provided free to patients are highly expensive to purchase, and at that place have been jobs maintaining the supply filled adequately ( this is frequently made the duty of province or other municipal services ) . ( McElrath, 2002 ) Even with these jobs the state has made definite headroom in contending the disease.DecisionHIV/AIDS is still as lifelessly today as it was when it was foremost discovered. However, much advancement has been made in contending the disease. We now have drug interventions that greatly i ncrease the length of life of septic people, and are more educated world-wide on the inside informations of the disease and how to avoid it. I believe these are the grounds why at that place seems to be less attending paid to the disease in current times. With better cognition and interventions, the fright that the disease one time spread has dramatically decreased. Many new infections occur every twelvemonth, but the Numberss are far less than they used to be. There is besides less of a stigma placed on persons populating with the disease. While this surely is a good thing, we ( talking globally ) can non go lazy in our attempts. Education and bar plans must go on to see that future coevalss are able to properly protect themselves. HIV/AIDS is non a disease that is typically acquired through sheer opportunity ; certain behaviours open us up to changing degrees of hazard. Until the clip comes ( if it of all time does ) that we find a complete remedy, forestalling new incidents of the disease is where our attempts need to be focused.

Questioning Techniques Essay

A number of researches conducted recently within the local setting on teaching skills of teachers show that there is a decline of the quality of classroom teaching of many teachers. The prime reason for this decline, as concluded by many researchers, lies in the problems of the training they receive at pre-service training institutions. For example; Lim, Cock, Lock (2009) state that though there is a practical element of pre-service teacher training, it does not provide enough knowledge and skills for the teachers to handle the challenges they encounter in the classroom brought by globalization and the development of modern technology. Because it is the National Colleges of Education that produce the pre-training to majority of teachers their syllabi were analyzed to understand that heavy theoretical knowledge given through the syllabi deprives the prospective teachers of opportunity of having enough practical teaching experience during their on campus training. On the other h and, no specific attention is paid on developing important teaching skills even though some practical teaching opportunities are given to them. Karaseva (2013) also highlights the importance of giving teachers assistance in getting their problems solved in relation to particular teaching skills of which they show weaknesses in. Among those important teaching skills, questioning techniques are one of the skills to which less attention is paid during pre- service teacher education. Cotton (1989) says that virtually no attention is paid on developing questioning techniques of teachers during their pre-service training period. Further, Aggarwal (2013) highlights the importance of questioning techniques because psychologically and philosophically asked questions help teachers achieving lesson objectives to expected level. Therefore, this research broadly aims at developing the questioning techniques of prospective teachers using a widely recognized technique and evaluating the efficacy of the used technique in developing teaching skills  of prospective teachers. Objectives of the Study; To review the theoretical background of questioning techniques in teaching. To investigate the development of questioning techniques of prospective teachers through the current programme of instruction. To find out innovative techniques that can be used in improving questioning techniques. Methodology/Design; Theoretical background of questioning techniques was reviewed through literature and a check list was used to determine the current states of questioning techniques employed by prospective teachers in their lessons. It was further expected to use the checklist to determine how far the existing methodology of instruction is capable of developing questioning techniques. The check list focused broadly on general aspects of questioning such as tone and accuracy of questions and specific skills such as eliciting, probing and Socratic questions. Lessons were videotaped for further analysis and at the same time descriptive field notes were kept by the researcher for recording and analyzing the questioning techniques employed by prospective teachers. Peer group members too observed the lessons and used an observation schedule to record and comment on the questioning techniques used by their colleagues. An available convenience sample of 30 prospective teachers of English was selected for the research and two lessons of each member were observed using the check list. From the 30 teachers observed, 12 were selected to conduct lessons in the classroom for the peer group. Half the peer group acted as students while the rest was observing the lesson using the observation schedule. Therefore, the data gathering instruments of the research include a checklist, field notes, an observation schedule, videotaping and lesson plans prepared by prospective teachers. Results/Findings; When the theories related to questioning techniques were analyzed it was understood that Bloom’s Taxonomy provides proper guidance for teachers in selecting, grading and using questions to develop the cognitive domain of students(Bloom cited in Huitt, 2011). Doff, (1988); Alexis,( 2009); and Hyman, (1982) add the importance of wait time to classification of  questions according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. They prove that longer wait time encourages critical thinking. When literature is further analyzed it was understood that probing questions are very important for the subject taught by prospective teachers, i.e. English language as probing questions demand authentic language production (Stepien, 2012). With the light of the theories related to questioning techniques, results of check lists were analyzed with comparisons to the field notes of observed lessons. The results of check list show that prospective teachers use tone appropriately in asking questions which is further verified by the field notes. Though high marks were noticed for the accuracy of questions in the checklist field notes and observation schedules record inaccurate questions especially in complex structures such as, â€Å"Can you tell me what is this colour?† There were five sections of the check list out of which probing questions recorded the least marks for a greater majority of the prospective teachers. This was further noticed in field notes and observation schedules because only a few such questions had been recorded. Teachers seemed to be happy with the received questions or directly corrected the inappropriate answers without attempting to probe into the answer. When research conducted to develop teaching skills were studied it was found out that â€Å"Micro Teaching† has provided effective results in international setting in developing skills such as class control and classroom management Conclusions; Prospective teachers should be encouraged to preplan their questions whenever possible to increase the accuracy of them because inaccurate questions lead to misconceptualization. New strategies must be employed to give more training to prospective teachers to develop aspects such as wait time, using probing questions because the existing method has not been able to develop those aspects of questioning. â€Å"Micro Teaching† is suggested to be used in developing questioning techniques since it has been successful in many other situations in developing several other teaching skills such as class control and classroom management. Reference; 1. Aggarwal, J. C. 2013. Essentials of Educational Technology. Innovations in Teaching – Learning. Dlhi, Vikas Publishing house Pvt. Ltd. 2. Alexis, 2009. A Questioning Strategy, Power of Wait Time/Think Time. Retrieved from on 10.02.2014. 3. Asking Questions to Improve Listening. The Teaching Center. Washington University.(2009)Retrieved from on 12.02.2014 4. Beare, K. (N.D.) Speaking Skills – Asking Questions. English as 2nd Language. (Retrieved on 13.02.2014) 5. Cotton, K. 1989. Classroom Questioning. School Improvement Research Series. NorthwestRegionalEducationalLaboratory. html. 6. Doff,A. 1988. Teach English: A Training Course for Teachers. Trainer’s Hand Book. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 7. Fries-Geither, J. 2008; Why Ask Questions? The Ohio State University. Ohio 8. Hyman, 1982. Teaching Methods. Questioning in the Classroom. How to Ask Questions. Retrieved from,http:/ / on 14.02.2014 9. Innovations and Initiatives in Teacher Education in Asia and the Pacific Region. (1990).(Vol-II).Bangkok, UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 10. Marzano, R. Pickering, D. and Pollock, J. 2001. Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 11. Professional Development among Academic Staff at Selected Malaysian Public Universities: Preliminary Findings of the Impact of the Basic Teaching Methodology Courses, International Journal of Business and Social Science 2(3) 2011.p.125 12. Research Scholar. An Experimental Study to Find Out the Effectiveness of Some Micro Teaching Skills in Teaching Geography at the Secondary Level. West Bengal, Rabindra Bharati University. 13. Rowe, M.B. (n.d.) Wait Time: Slowing Down May Be A Way of Speeding Up. Journal of T eacher Education. 1986; 37; 43 Retrieved from, on 13.02.2014 14. Shomoossi, N(2004),.The effect of teacher’s questioning behavior on EFL classroom interaction: A classroom research study, The Reading Matrix, 4 pp. 96–104 15. Yang, C.C.R. (2010)Teacher questions in second language classrooms: An investigation of three case studies, Asian EFL Journal, 12 (1) (2010), pp. 181–201 Declaration Form for Corresponding Author Title of the abstract: Asking Questions the Right way; an analysis of the questioning techniques employed by prospective teachers. (Current state of an ongoing action research to develop the questioning techniques of prospective teachers) Name of authors: R.M.D. Rohan Address of institution where the work was carried out: Pasdunrata National College of Education Kalutara Name of the supervisor: Prof. Manjula Vithanapathirana I declare that the above abstract reports the results of original research work and that the work reported in the abstract has not been published or presented elsewhere. Name & Signature of the Corresponding Author: R.M.D. Rohan Address: Pasdunrata National College of Education – Kalutara Date: Supervisor’s signature:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Odysseus- Everett Comparison

The poem â€Å"The Odyssey† details the story of a man named Odysseus who went through many trials and tribulations while trying to get home to his family. In the past, many stories, movies, and other works of literature have based its plot around the story: â€Å"The Odyssey†. However, there is one movie that stands out as unique and its title is â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou†. The producers, Joel and Ethan Coen, did a wonderful job in making actor Ulysses Everett McGill represent Odysseus.Everett from â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou† and Odysseus from Homer’s â€Å"The Odyssey† are very similar in many ways, but contrast in multiple qualities and characteristics as well. In â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou†, the main character, Everett is on a voyage trying to return home to his family. Everett tries to escape Parchman Farm after he hears that his wife was about to remarry a suitor named Vernon T. Waldrip in two days. He tricks his â⠂¬Å"Chain Gang† into believing that they were going after treasure; clearly demonstrating the love, loyalty, and courage that he has for his wife.As a result of this event, he caused the authorities to go on a Louisiana wide man hunt for Everett while creating a new relationship between himself and two other members of the â€Å"Chain Gang†. Like Everett, Odysseus â€Å"has been wandering for ten years on the sea, to find his family;† however, little did he know his absence allowed suitors to besiege his wife with proposals. For this reason, Odysseus laid siege on the suitors on his island. In this example, the situation that Everett and Odysseus were in is very similar.They both have to make a long journey to get back to their families and return to their original life style. Through the actions that Everett performs, one can see the similarities between himself and Odysseus. In â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou? †, Everett bombards a Ku Klux Klan meeting to save his friend Tommy from being lynched due to his skin color showing Everett’s willingness to sacrifice his own life, as well as Pete’s and Delmar’s, to save Tommy’s. In addition, they end up incinerating some of the Klansmen (including Bid Dan) with a large burning cross by snipping the wires that supported it.In â€Å"The Odyssey† Odysseus is in a similar situation like Everett but the person he is trying to save is his wife, Penelope by â€Å"[drawing] his fist [in the shape of] the cruel head of an arrow†¦ Odysseus hit him under the chin†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which shows the courage that Odysseus had to shoot the arrow that saved his wife (xxii 7-14). Analyzing the two examples, one can see that Odysseus and Everett were willing to perform courageous acts to protect the people whom they love.Even though there are many similarities between Everett and Odysseus, there is a major difference between the two; their view on faith. In â€Å"O Brothe r Where Art Thou† Tommy informs the â€Å"Chain Gang† that he sold his soul to the devil to learn how to play guitar better. Further, Everett tells Tommy that Pete and Delmar had just been baptized and he’s the only one who is unaffiliated with any type of religious figure. This shows that Everett believes in no religion, no God, and no miracles.In contrast to Everett, Odysseus believes in the Gods by saying â€Å"Now watch me hit a target that no man has hit before, if I can make this shot. Help me Apollo† showing his strong belief that he had, had in the God Apollo (xxii 4-6). For this reason Apollo granted him a straight shot on the suitor. In any case, their faith sets the two men apart from one another. In many ways the two men’s bravery brought them to victory and also proves the similarities between the two; however, certain beliefs such as religion causes the men to differ.Everett is a good representation of Odysseus, but there are fatal fla ws between the two which cause them to be starkly different. Whether or not, one analyzes the similarities which show common strengths, or the conflict of differing religions, which make each man respectively stronger, one can analyze that all men are created different. No one man is the same as his neighbor and that makes the world to accept all races, genders, and ideology.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Project Cash Flow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Cash Flow - Essay Example Therefore to have the money later you will certainly want a reasonable compensation for the delayed consumption, the risk or uncertainty and the inflation. All these factors: delayed consumption, uncertainty and inflation determine the interest rate over a certain amount of money which is due at present but the acquisition of which is put off till a future date. In any situation when a person or group becomes or become indifferent to these three factors then the value of time to that person or group in that particular situation ceases to matter. The situation can be caused by internal factors as well as external factors or both. We can imagine few such situations, for example if in a hospital the anaesthesia machine goes bust in the mid of an operation and the standby machine is at some other OT then irrespective of rational comparisons a new machine has to be ordered because the situation demands it, or for example if there is fire in a factory and machines become unavailable for completing the order at hand worth millions of dollars then new machinery has to be arranged for as soon as possible without going into much details of profitability etc. The example that we have taken are extreme cases. In real life, situations generally lie mid way between conditions of very high emergencies to conditions of no pressure at all. There is usually existence of some pressures which limits the time that can be infinitely spent on arriving at the best analysis. In real life decision making is often done amidst many known and many unknown variables.1 Situations of absolute unpredictability Situations of absolute predictability Reliance on the available and Reliance on complex decision making tools easy to operate decision making tools II) Time value of Money-estimating the discount rate The predictability of a situation depends on a host of internal and external factors. Internal factors can include the knowledge and experience of the organization the management information and coordination systems, the resources and time available to the organization etc. The external factors can include the market forces and the business environment. In the case of applying time value analysis in project decisions the uncertain factor is the cost of capital 2.The estimation of cost of capital or the discounting rate is a complex process and its accuracy depends on many factors. Estimating the cost of capit